Location: BC, Canada

Two youth guys with ideas and bitlets to share

Monday, August 20, 2007

Holy status update, Batman!

Well, here we are again, sending out a mass email in an attempt to keep everyone informed. As you may remember from the last email update Reneé and I sent out, we were thinking of me continuing on with my studies towards becoming a youth pastor.
Since that time, I’ve been in contact with several schools and talked out various options with different friends and family. The end result is this, I’m going back to school in two weeks. The plan as it stands (we’ll see if God agrees) is that I attend CBC here in Abbotsford for one year, continuing on at Briercrest for my final two years. So there we go. Thank you all for praying for us as we made this decision. We don’t have all of the details fully worked out financially, but we’re confident that God will provide us with everything we need to pull this off.
So as we step forward faithfully into the training we know that we have been called to pursue, we know that all of you will be in our corner, supporting us and praying for us. Feel free to email or call me to talk more about it if you’re interested.

Thanks again to everybody for praying for us and supporting us through what we’re embarking on.

~Mike & Reneé


Blogger Rietta said...

we're still praying along with you. love, a. rietta

6:12 PM, August 22, 2007  

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