Location: BC, Canada

Two youth guys with ideas and bitlets to share

Monday, February 28, 2005

theological teachings from an unlikely source

I was at work today...not altogether a surprising thing, actually.

During my evening, I was outside de-nailing some boards left over from our Christmas production (just pounding the nails out...not a bad job, actually)

Anyways, I was called by a man that I've met in recent weeks here at the Church. His name is Don. He's a bit rough around the edges, but a nice guy. I've seen him handle himself in difficult social situations by just stating what he thinks when people ask him. There are times when his opinions are shared by very few people, but it serves to keep him in good spirits for not bottling things up.

We began quite the conversation about Christian spirituality. It ranged from the outlook of Christians on homosexuals, to the state of church worldviews. I had an enjoyable time, learning from this man different experiences that he's had in his 50 years so far. I had no idea of the amount of Biblical knowledge he had when I first saw him walking his dogs out behind the church. I know that I was quick to judge, but after talking with him I realized that he really had a big heart.

Tonight served as a benefit for me to be able to share my views and hear someone else's. I find that it doesn't happen all that much in life today. One of the issues that we spoke about was fear of confrontation. We, as Christians, can be very apprehensive when it comes to challenging one another on our behaviours. We tend to brush things over, being silent around the person at best. At worst, we begin to gossip about them with others. Neither of these actions are beneficial. We need to be the person to correct others around us. In order to ensure growth, we must be willing to call ungodly behaviour in others. On that same note we must also be willing to accept correction. With a servant heart we will be open minded to see the other person's view when they speak to us. It is an understanding of Christians that we have all fallen short of God's glory, (Rom 3:23) but we can still be prideful in our dealing with such shortcomings.

Lord, help me to be understanding of my fallings. When people point them out to me, please help me to view it as an opportunity to grow closer to what you want me to be, a perfect and holy person. Please also help me to not judge people based on appearances. I had thought that I was beyond that in most cases, considering the variety of people I've met and learned from/with in my life. Through Don, You've shown me that I'm still not quite there. (haha, not quite, even in my prayers, pride creeps in)
We are such prideful people Lord, and we need to be aware of what we truly are...broken sinful people that are blessed to be loved by You. It is hard line to walk, between depression in our depravity and pride in our standing. We are defined not by what we do or who we are in life. We are defined by You. Help us all to remember that (especially me)

Galatians 6:1-2

"Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.
Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ"


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