dynamics of a falling pear
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, January 25, 2009
a jumble of thoughts
This was a draft i found...dated in...2008 sometime?
this is just a place for me to put things down sometimes...
i feel that it can be more, but my life...scratch that...i make myself too busy to do such things
blessings have been poured out on me in such a way that i can feel as though they're commonplace
they are...common that is, God has given me so much and continues to do so each and every day
but my attitude towards them should not be one of apathy and expectation
where is the delight? where is the wonder?
i feel as though i have entered into a time of my life where God has decided not to hold back the amounts of spiritual blessings, and i am caught up in the world around me
it is this place of indifference that i cannot seem to escape from
don't get me wrong, i am passionate about the work that i am doing, and i love the time that i do get to spend with my family and youth kids...
it is the feeling that i am "slugging" it out that bothers me
the difficulty of my situation is real and the problems that i face can be difficult, but i feel as though i am in a slump of sorts
why is it on this journey of life that we always seem to be looking forward to where we will be?
when others tell me that i will look back on this time and smile, laugh or remember wistfully, why do i doubt it?
i know that it is probably true, and that i will likely hold this time in my life close to my heart, but is it too much to ask for that now? is it too much to ask God to reveal the joy of this time so that i may enjoy it while i am in it?
i do not know how to resolve this
i feel as though i am stuck in the city with the foolish (to quote Whitman)
and i'd rather be in the thick of it with the faithful holding onto that ineffable joy that the Lord provides...
Lord, help me to see your work and hand of provision in all of this. Help me to put aside my feelings and grab onto your Truth as you reveal it to me through your Word and your Spirit
Monday, November 17, 2008
an old writing
this is an old poem that I wrote on my way to bed one night...back in high school, I'm pretty sure. I scribbled it down onto a post-it and left it on the fridge...
i say this to all within my shout
as i go to bed without
a prayer, a hug, a kiss goodnight
to embark upon a gentle flight
To gaze upon what dreams may come
To pray that all someday get some
Of that everlasting hope
...I leave to you within this note
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Finally, a post worth reading!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What's the Dilly Yo?
Hello everybody!
Apparently, there are people wondering when I will post again. For all of you curious kooks, I don't have the internet so posting can be difficult. It doesn't mean I do not want to, but I often will forget to bother posting for those moments where I do get the internet.
Derek, thank you for honoring the 3 month anniversary.
I will be posting when there is a baby to talk about. I know that everyone will want information once we have a baby, and you'll get it as soon as possible.
To remind many of you, this blog is not like many others. It is a place for me to rant and write thoughts of mine as I have them and feel need. While I've been very busy with school this past semester, I just haven't had time to write.
Thanks again for the interest in the blog, and if we get internet at home, it will likely get updated more often.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Holy status update, Batman!
Well, here we are again, sending out a mass email in an attempt to keep everyone informed. As you may remember from the last email update Reneé and I sent out, we were thinking of me continuing on with my studies towards becoming a youth pastor.
Since that time, I’ve been in contact with several schools and talked out various options with different friends and family. The end result is this, I’m going back to school in two weeks. The plan as it stands (we’ll see if God agrees) is that I attend CBC here in Abbotsford for one year, continuing on at Briercrest for my final two years. So there we go. Thank you all for praying for us as we made this decision. We don’t have all of the details fully worked out financially, but we’re confident that God will provide us with everything we need to pull this off.
So as we step forward faithfully into the training we know that we have been called to pursue, we know that all of you will be in our corner, supporting us and praying for us. Feel free to email or call me to talk more about it if you’re interested.
Thanks again to everybody for praying for us and supporting us through what we’re embarking on.
~Mike & Reneé